Many people like you—devoted to long-term, healthy gospel work around the world—are asking the question, "Why does it feel like our decades of work, hundreds of thousands of missionaries sent, and billions of dollars invested in western modern missions has not made much of a difference?" For all of that work, our results are anemic, at best, and harmful at worst. The prosperity gospel, syncretism, fraud, dependency, and short lived movements have plagued our efforts.
The answer is that modern missions has not addressed infrastructure from a biblical perspective, but leveraged worldly infrastructure, such as economic expansionism, colonialism, globalization, and the relief aid charity infrastructure to inform and shape gospel work.
Gospel Infrastructureâ„¢ addresses that gap in strategy.
Why Infrastructure?


Any complex ecosystem—a community, city, or system of roads—requires a well-developed infrastructure in order to thrive. Imagine a neighborhood of beautiful homes with no running water or street access—it's pointless.


The more complex the ecosystem, the greater the amount of planning required. Planning must include needed resources, use cases, and even future growth. The design of that infrastructure is specified on blueprints.


Blueprints not only relay the process for building, they demonstrate that the infrastructure is uniquely designed—developed through research, weighed options, calculations, and iterations that result in a final strategic design.
The complexity and importance of gospel work demands the attention necessary to ensure that the entire endeavor is strategically designed.
2% Rule

Though missions is complicated and takes place within complex ecosystems, the history of gospel work is marked, not by strategically developed infrastructure, but by single metrics that have driven strategy.
Gospel Infrastructure completes the blueprint by asking biblically-driven questions based on 8 vital markers that help you decide where and how to invest your time, resources, and people.
It considers what needs to be done in order to provide lasting gospel witness in a particular place and focuses future efforts on closing those gaps.

Effective gospel work aims for lasting access to the gospel among a given people. That access is only meaningful and lasting when it includes investment in developing structures found in the Bible, like healthy local churches, pastoral training, gospel witness in the local language, translations of Scripture, and so on.
We'd love to address any questions you may have regarding Gospel Infrastructureâ„¢. Simply submit the form below, and we'll get back with you soon.
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